December meeting was a small band of brewers that managed to gather the strength to be at DTC after the Christmas Party Saturday..
New Presidents address.
Christmas Party was a great time. Thanks to Nev, Paul and Ed for the effort adding the Christmas cheer with decorations on the day.
- Member Info:
- New committee meeting Sunday 15 Dec. Main focus will be to plan comps and events. Members will know competitions plan for the year in January
- What Information sessions would be beneficial to members.
- Member fees are due in Jan. Please don’t leave it to after Jan to keep the financial membership dates in line. Members can pay via PayPal, but there is a fee with each transaction that the club pays. If you can, use direct debit.
- If ordering any brew gear online, use Kegland affiliation account. 10% goes to club.
Additional Items Raised
- Baltic Porter needs to be filled. Nev S and Mic P will organize for fill late Jan. More info to follow soon.
- Suggestion of “Brewer of the Year” decides the next brew.
Competition Results and Champion Brewer.
- Winners of the Mead, Cider and Barley Wine Comp.
- 1st Jerome Kennedy – Punch and Judy Cider.
- 2nd Tim Mains – Ninja Ginger Cider.
- 3rd Clinton Brooks – Parrot Bush Mead.
Champion Brewer
Only Eight People made it into the running for BOTY. They were the ones that entered 3 or more comps. Top three placings:
- 1st Tim Mains: 40.1
- 2nd Jerome Kennedy: 38.3
- 3rd Alan Aitken. 33.7
Congratulations Tim on another fantastic effort.
Mugs and Trophy should be available Jan meeting. The engravers decided to close early on Allan.
Meeting Closed.