June Club meeting – Iron Brewer 2018


Thanks to everyone who came down to DTC last night for the June club meeting.  This was also the peoples choice Iron Brewer competition and we had a lot of good beers. The winner of the competition is going to be awarded the Glenn Morton Memorial mash paddle and it is going to be tough to determine (although if we were going on name alone I'm still backing Floggin my Roggen).

Thanks to Steve, Paul, Bryson and Allan for running the peoples choice

Other things of note

  • Work shirts order will be placed this week and we hope to get them sorted in time for distribution at the July meeting
  • I forgot to mention last night that we secured a BJCP exam date in March 2019. Gary will be running tasting training for about 8 weeks prior to the exam. To get involved you will need to pass the online exam and pay up your fees beforehand (about $100 to cover exam fee and beer tastings). Check the BJCP website for exam details and preparation and let someone on the committee know if you are keen to be involved.

Upcoming events

  • This weekend is the BJCP comp for the Iron Brewer. We are still looking for one or two more volunteer stewards to help on the day. If you can help out please contact Mick (either via FB or email to [email protected]
  • Our august meeting will be the 34/70 competition. I'll get a list of styles out in the very near future. Sorry for the delays
  • 31st August is the deadline for WASABC entries. Once again we will look for members to help out with organisation, stewarding and judging. Check the WASABAC web page for details on the dates. Thanks to Carlin and Hilly for organising the competition again this year.
  • Oktoberfest will be on again this year towards the end of October. More details to come but start brewing those German beers.

That's all for now - Thanks to DTC for hosting and to everyone who cleaned up after the meeting.



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